Bloodchild (Assessment 2 points)
Reaction to the Text This is the first story that I read that dealt with aliens that were not in some way humanoid. T’Gatoi and her kind felt like a very fun species to write and worldbuild from, and I am kind of astonished how much Butler conveyed to the reader in such a short story. Not only was she able to show the reader a snapshot into this world, she made it read natural, too. Writing exposition is hard to feel natural in a story without having some plot contrivance to make a character oblivious to the world they live in, therefore needing the exposition. Being a short story, I didn’t expect it to be so tight, yet it felt like it neither overstayed its welcome nor ended too abruptly. I really need to read more of Octavia Butler’s work in the future. Connections to the Story It was kind of difficult to connect fully to anything in the text, but I definitely did feel for the main character Gan. I am also currently in a stage of my life where I’m close enough to my “...