Final Check-In

Wow that second half went by so fast! This class was honestly a blast and kind of sparked my love for reading up again, so thanks for that.

As of Midterm, I had 80 points. With books I read in the second half, I got an additional 20 points. Additionally the final assessment and writings gave me 8 more points. (Bloodchild plus all three future writings). Finally, with attendance, I didn’t miss any classes so that's an additional 8 points.

In totality, I should have gotten an extra 36 points, adding up to 116 points for the semester.

(I'm coming back into recommend a book: Library of the Unwritten. Most likely it would go into the contemporary fantasy week, but it's a story about hell's library full of unwritten stories and the librarian that takes care of them. They way the author explores the memetic nature of stories and how life goes on when you are gone is really interesting to think about. I wouldn't say it's very revolutionary, but I ate it up extremely fast so I bet there might be an audience for it.)


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